Friday, July 20, 2012


Matthew 5:3: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

I said "Jesus I would have died for you". as i was sitting in traffic on the 101 on the way to a church service at angeles temple.I began to start thinking about if I was standing in the face of death, would I die for him. I suddenly heard in my heart of hearts, yes I would have. I felt so much love and started CRYING MY EYES OUT!
How great it must have been- standing in the face of death and just knowing the TRUTH. seconds before entering the eternal kingdom. What a privilege it is to live for him, and also what a privilage it is to die for him as well.

ok so anyways, I'm driving and i say "Lord i would have died for you" and he said "yes-you WOULD have", and then he said...

"You can still die for me NOW" suddenly in my mind, I saw everything I was holding on to. including my own will, things, people, all kinds of things!

THOSE WORDS SPOKE A SWORD THROUGH MY HEART. maybe the most piercing thing the Lord has ever spoken to me, I said in return,

"Lord, I will die right now, to myself. I am NOTHING without you"

 Paul said "I die daily"
 What other God has died for our sins?? THERE IS NO ONE ABOVE OR BESIDE HIM!!! All this time has past. The root, the offspring of David, the messiah, Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth, DIED so we could have LIFE in him. He knew us in the womb, He knew the hairs on our head, he suffered and died and rose again. To remain poor in sprit, we have to die also.
some devotions I wrote after:

Lord- never let me be in a place where i forget everything you have done for me. Let not a day go by where you are not first and last Lord. Lord- you reign over all things- you provide and set the path for me.

Let not a day go by where i don't hear your voice and lay in your shadow of rest. Lord let not a day go by where i am not claiming territory in your kingdom. let not a person come to me and not feel the love you died to show us. 

Lord remind me of my devotion to die for you like you died for me.

thank you Lord for giving me a life and purpose through your work on the cross.
Thank you for loving me first, though i did not love you.

 Let me not put anything before you- even your precious blessings which i don't deserve Lord. Let nothing separate us.
Thank you for blessing me with things that i need you to provide Lord so i draw more near to you. i want to rely on you for EVERYTHING!!!

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